Bullet journal health and fitness trackers ideas
Planning & Organization

Health And Fitness Trackers You Should Keep In Your Bullet Journal

If one of your New Year resolutions is to pay more attention to your overall health, then at least some of these bullet journal health and fitness trackers should become a part of your everyday bullet journaling routine.

Setting big goals in your professional or personal life aspect is something we all get excited about, but maybe the best goals we can have are those related to our physical and mental health.

As you probably know, even if you achieve your dearest goal, it’s of no use if you lose your health.

That’s why it’s so important to take good care of ourselves, and these X health and fitness trackers cover (almost) any activity and action that has an impact on your overall health.

See what they are and make sure to add at least some of them into your bullet journal.

Printable bullet journal health and fitness trackers

Yearly health tracker

A yearly health tracker is an excellent way to have a quick overview of your overall health throughout the entire year.

Personally, I kept this bullet journal health and fitness tracker for my kids for years, and it’s still something I regularly add to my bullet journal every year. (you do know how kids can frequently have health issues)

Therefore, the 7 key categories I have in my yearly health tracker are – temperature, migraine (yes, my son has had them since the early days!), inhalation therapy, antibiotic therapy, digestive problems, stuffy nose, and cough.

These categories are color-coded so I can easily get a yearly overview of the most frequent health issues and their occurrence. Also, since I kept the same color codes throughout the years, I can quickly compare their health over a larger period of time.

On this yearly health tracker, for two categories (migraine and inhalation therapy) I also like to add additional information – the time the migraine has started and an abbreviation of the type of inhalation therapy used.

That’s the way I use the yearly health tracker.

Of course, you can use this tracker not only for your kids. Depending on your needs, you can place the categories that make the most sense to your specific situation.

Printable yearly health tracker

Doctor’s appointments tracker

An apple a day keeps a doctor away… But let’s get serious.

I admit – I’m not a fan of going to the doctor’s (I have more than enough of it with my kids!), but you simply can not escape it at one point.

I’m sure you’re aware that having at least regular medical check-ups, if nothing else, is vital for your health.

With a doctor’s appointment tracker, you can keep note of when, where, and why you visited the doctor’s office and also what was the outcome.

Printable doctor's appointments tracker

Blood pressure tracker

A blood pressure tracker is another useful health tracker since there’s a proven link between high blood pressure and the risk of other cardiovascular diseases.

Oftentimes, blood pressure becomes higher with age, so as you get older you should start measuring it at least occasionally or do regular check-ups to keep your health under control.

However, there are also times when even younger people could use it. For example, even though I had low blood pressure when I was young, it changed during pregnancy, so at that moment I had to regularly check it in order to know if and when it was time to start using medication.

Printable blood pressure tracker

Medicine tracker

I can not tell you how many times I had to scribble all the medications my kid needed at that moment and make some charts only I could understand so I could track what, when, and have I even given my child its therapy. (when this thing happens he usually needs 4-5 different medications at the same moment, and it’s impossible to juggle them all without some tracking system)

After a while, I finally decided to make my life easier and created a printable medicine tracker for this purpose.

Of course, you can have a medicine tracker not only for these occasional uses but to track your (or your family member’s) regular daily therapy.

Printable medicine tracker

Period tracker

The Period tracker is another bullet journal health and fitness tracker I regularly keep and use.

In the beginning, I tracked only the length and the intensity of my cycle by filling out the appropriate days. 

I had no special “legend” for it since I used a “line system” to mark these things, which looks pretty self-explanatory to me. (the thicker and more frequent the lines are – and it goes all the way to covering the field entirely – the heavier a cycle is

To me, this is an easy and effective way to see how the period changes on a daily basis, and I still use it.

However, over time, it occurred to me that it would be useful to have a duplicate column for the same days so I can use it to also track the symptoms that follow a period. (and since some symptoms can overlap with the days when I actually have a period, I needed two columns to simultaneously track both things in one place)

This system might also work better for you if you frequently have the symptoms that follow your menstrual cycle. 

Printable period tracker. Health and fitness trackers.
Printable health and fitness trackers set

Vitamin tracker

If you regularly take vitamin(s) or other supplements, you could consider using a vitamin tracker.

This way you won’t forget whether or not you took your daily dose.

You can use this kind of vitamin tracker to simultaneously track up to 6 vitamins or supplements you take in a month or to track a single one over half year time period. (for example, during pregnancy, or if you struggle with iron deficiency)

Printable vitamin tracker

Migraine tracker

If you’re someone who suffers from migraine attacks, I believe your doctor has already recommended you use a migraine diary. 

I know, it’s not a diary you’re looking forward to, but it has its purpose.

You can easily add a migraine diary to your bullet journal by using a migraine tracker.

With a place to write down the date and time it started, the pain level and its localization, possible triggers, medicine you’ve taken, and notes, it has all the elements a migraine diary should have.

And in case you like to see their pattern of occurrence (or even if there is one), you can always add them as a category in your yearly health tracker and note them there, as well.

Printable migraine tracker. Health and fitness trackers.

Headache tracker

I added a headache tracker as a separate entry to this list of health and fitness trackers because even though a headache is similar to a migraine (in terms that your head hurts in either case), they are still different.

When it comes to headaches, you usually don’t need to track all the details, which you better do with a migraine, plus there’s a high chance their occurrence is rarer compared to a migraine. 

That’s why I think a yearly headache tracker with pain level as the only description is the best format for this type of health and fitness tracker.

Printable headache tracker. Health and fitness trackers.

Mood tracker

A lot of people like to have a mood tracker in their bullet journal, especially since this page can be very creative and attractive to the eye.

However, this should not be the only thing why you should use it – there’s a far better reason for it.

It’s clear that the vast majority of these health and fitness trackers focus on your physical well-being, while a mood tracker is one of a few that points to another very important side – your mental health.

You can use it on its own, or compare it with other trackers, such as sleep or weather trackers, to see the possible effect of other elements on your mood.

Many people like to keep a monthly mood tracker in their bullet journal, but you can also have a yearly one where you can track your mood in one place for the entire year.

Printable mood tracker

Body weight tracker

A body weight tracker is a classic health and fitness tracker many people use in their bullet journals.

Although many like to call it a weight loss tracker, this doesn’t have to be the case. (yes, believe it or not, there are people who actually want to gain weight and struggle with it)

No matter the case, I like to create a weight tracker in a goal-oriented way. 

The start marks your current weight and the finish states the weight you like to get to. Everything in between these two is filled with spaces where you write down your milestones, track the progress you make, and see how well you’re doing.

Printable weight tracker

Body measurements tracker

In my opinion, in a plethora of health and fitness trackers, a body measurements tracker is one heavily underestimated (and underused). 

Wonder why I think so? Here’s the thing.

When it comes to our looks, we tend to focus too much on our body weight alone. Some people even obsess about the number that the weighing scale shows.

Although a weighing scale is a tool that roughly shows how “thin” or “fat” you are, the key is not in this one number you see there. To me, what matters more is the way that weight is distributed on your entire body.

You can find a number of people with the same body weight, yet their bodies will have a completely different shape, even if they all share the same height. 

My point is, your proportions have a big influence on the way your body looks as a whole. You get to see this on a daily basis – low-weight people who look less than attractive and pretty good-looking persons who are slightly chubbier.

That’s why you should at least mix a body measurements tracker with your body weight tracker. Plus, it makes tracking easier since you don’t have to measure yourself too often.

Printable body measurements tracker
Printable bullet journal health and fitness set

Calories tracker

If you’re following a specific diet you may need a calories tracker to note the total amount of calories you consume in a day.

Here’s one example of a monthly calories tracker you can use in your bullet journal.

Printable calories tracker

Workout tracker

If you like to keep track of your different physical activities, then you should use a workout tracker.

I often see people who name this tracker as a gym tracker, but I think that more options are available to you if you call it a workout tracker. 

In this way, your tracker is not so strictly defined, and you can track not only your visits to the gym, but also some other fitness activities – such as any sort of fitness classes (say, yoga, pilates, zumba…), sports activities (for example, running, swimming, cycling, skating…), or even taking long walks. 

And you get to track all of this in one place, which I consider to be very convenient.

Printable workout tracker. Health and fitness trackers.

Steps tracker

Another fitness tracker that can be handy to you, and also look really fun and cute in your bullet journal, is a steps tracker.

I have to admit, I love to take walks and I’m a big fan of them. This activity is not demanding at all (especially when compared to the gym, for example), yet it’s something that can truly recharge you and keep you in pretty good shape.

The only downside of a steps tracker is that in order to use it, you have to buy some device that will actually count those steps you make in a day.

Alternatively, you could measure the distance you made in a day and multiply it by the average number of steps you make in a specific unit. For example, my one step is about 50cm long (yes, I use the SI metric system), and if I’d walked 3km that day, that would mean I’d made 6k steps.

However, this other way of measuring your steps is not as accurate as the first, so I don’t recommend it – unless you’re ok with a rough estimation. (and let me tell you, you’d be surprised by how those small, little walks you make during the day add up!)

Printable steps tracker

Water tracker

We all know that staying hydrated plays an important role in our overall health, and that’s where the water tracker comes in.

It can come in many forms – as a separate page in your bullet journal, or as small stickers that you can add to your planner page. 

Depending on how well you’ve developed a habit of drinking enough water in a day, some people like to have a daily, weekly, or monthly water intake tracker. (at first, I actually had a “water” section in my habit tracker to be reminded about it, and started to use a water tracker when this habit became my routine)

Although it’s not used as often, you can also have a yearly water tracker, and here’s one example of it.

Printable water tracker. Health and fitness trackers.

Sleep tracker

Maybe not as obvious as the rest, but a sleep tracker is another health tracker you could use in your bullet journal.

I’m a firm believer that the quality of sleep has a deep impact on your overall health. If nothing else, it surely has a connection with the energy level and the way you feel throughout the day.

If your sleep is more or less regular and you feel refreshed when you wake up, you might not need a sleep tracker. 

However, if this is not the case, you should consider using it. It could give you insights into when you should go to bed and how long you should sleep to feel fully prepared for the day ahead.

Printable sleep tracker. Health and fitness trackers.

Those were the most important health and fitness trackers you should keep in your bullet journal that’ll help you pay more attention and be mindful of your overall health.

In case you liked the trackers seen in this post and would love to quickly have them in your own bullet journal, you can get printable templates from my shop.

And if you’re a big fan of trackers looking for more ideas, check out this huge list of things to track in your bullet journal.

Are there some other important health and fitness trackers I forgot to mention here? Feel free to tell me about it in the comments below!

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