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Disclaimer Policy


Cute Little Paper provides the information on these pages as a public service for informational purposes only. The information contained in these pages is not intended to be, and should not be taken as an advice. All information provided through this website, on this blog or through the email subscription are provided “as-is, where-is” and without any warranties of any kind, including the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Your use of this website does not constitute or establish a contractual relationship with Cute Little Paper.

Certain links on this site lead to websites controlled by other parties over whom Cute Little Paper has no control. Therefore, Cute Little Paper makes no representation or warranty concerning the content or accuracy of third party information and expressly disclaims any liability therefore.


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Please review Privacy Policy, which also governs your use of Cute Little Paper.




Except as otherwise indicated, this site and all the information it contains, including, but not limited to, articles, blog posts, designs, drawings, illustrations, photographs, products, opinions, text, guides, and other content contained herein, are the property of Cute Little Paper. All rights reserved.

Please feel free to bookmark and share links directing others to the content on this website. However, site content must not otherwise be reproduced or republished, either online or offline, without Cute Little Paper’s expressed written consent.


Use of Freebies


I hope you enjoy the free files/products (termed “Freebies”) that are available here on Cute Little Paper. By downloading Cute Little Paper freebies, you agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions of Use as defined here. All freebies are intended for personal, non-commercial use only. You are granted a non-exclusive personal-use license to download and print the freebies, subject to the Permissions Policy (below).


Comment Policy


By posting on this blog, you agree to the policies below. I welcome comments, but please keep your comments clean and related to the content. I reserve the right to remove any comment. This site, and the web in general, is the perfect place for dialogue and the sharing of information so please feel free to ask questions, disagree, provide alternate methods, or comment on the post as long as your comment’s content is not offensive, defamatory, abusive, or otherwise mean and inappropriate.

You retain ownership of comments you leave on my site; you simply grant me a license to post your comments should I feel like it. This license is irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, and royalty-free. You grant me the right to store, transmit, display, use, publish, reproduce, and distribute your comments in any format, including but not limited to a blog, in a book, in a presentation, in a class, or in a video.

I expressly disclaim any and all liability that may result from any comment you leave on this site. By commenting on this site, you agree that you retain all ownership rights for the comments you post on this site and that you will relieve me from any and all liability that may result from those postings.


Permissions Policy


You may:

  • Printing: Print posts/content off my site for non-commercial use (up to 20 copies only) as long as you include the following copyright notice: “© Cute Little Paper All rights reserved. Originally published at”.
  • Freebies and Products may be used as a whole for in-home use or to create gifts for others.
  • Re-posting: re-post a summary of a blog post (or an excerpt of up to 100 words) with a link back to the original post.
  • Linking: link to my site or any of my public posts. I appreciate links!


You may not (without my written permission):

  • Re-post my content in its entirety, especially not word for word.
  • Alter or sell any content on this site without my permission.
  • Translate any of my writings into another language.
  • Sell the freebies/products (in printed or digital format), in whole or in part, directly or indirectly.
  • Forward, share, or redistribute the digital files.
  • Host a digital copy of the freebies/products from or within your own website or publication.
  • Link directly to digital files or hot-link to images.
  • Alter, transform, or build upon the original designs, illustrations or templates.
  • Remove, obscure, or cover up the copyright/domain information.
  • Extract single elements from the freebies/products and use them within your own works.
  • Freebies/products may not be used in any manner in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration, directly or indirectly (unless otherwise noted).

To request permission for any of the uses on the above “You may not” list, please email: natasa(at)


Disclosure Policy


Certain posts or other parts of Cute Little Paper site may contain affiliate links. By signing up/using a service/buying a product through those links, you help me earn a small commission at no cost to you. I spend a lot of time working on this site to create helpful content for you to use and this is one way I fund my work so I could continue to keep the site running (therefore, I guess it’s a win-win for both of us). With everything said, thank you very much for the support! 🙂

I want you to know that my integrity is much more important than making a quick buck, and will, therefore, post and promote only what fits well within the parameters of my blog and what I consider to be helpful and valuable to my readers.


Last updated 16.02.2018.